CSR 2017

The weight of school bags has long been a concern for parents & professionals such as musculoskeletal experts and physiotherapist. There are increasing numbers of reports on back injuries, nerve damage in neck and shoulder and subsequently affecting students to focus on study and school works due to heavy school bags.
FibonBerhad had taken part in sponsoring lockers to schools. School children will then be able to make use of these lockers to keep their books and reduce the total weight of books in the school bags. This will reduce back and nerve injuries due to carrying heavy text books and thus be better for students in the future.
Academic research by the University of Salford also revealed that good storage solutions in schools contribute towards an effective learning environment.

Fibon believes that education is the most important thing one can do to his or her life and the most powerful tool to make the world a better place. Fibon puts strong emphasis on education. From time to time, Fibon makes regular contributions to school development funds.

Fibon sponsors to sport enthusiasts to nurture youth’s interest and talents. With this token donation, we aim to encourage youth to develop their skill and open up new option for their future.

Fibon makes a token of contribution to dialysis centre as part of support to their health program. Besides, we also contributed aids to the handicapped, disabled and old folk’s home. We stress the importance of education and wellbeing of the orphans too by subsidizing assistance to the orphanage home.

Agape Shelter Kluang is a welfare home for the poor and underprivileged children. It was established in the year 1990. It provides a conducive and homely environment for the unfortunate children. It is managed by a voluntary board assisted by full time staff and social volunteers. All the expenses are funded by public donations and Government annual grants.
Fibon makes regular visits and contributions to the shelter home.

The Miriam Home for the aged, established in the year 1982, is located along the Kluang - Air Hitam Road. It is operated by the Canossian Sisters assisted by workers and volunteers. It provides the much-needed shelter for the poor and elderly of all races and religions who are either alone in the world or abandoned by kith and kin. The residents at this home are all senior citizens in their twilight years. Most do not have the means to support themselves. Miriam Home provides a better living environment to the needed one by physically or spiritually. Miriam Home is the place where they can spend their twilight years in comfort, interaction with other people of their age and to receive visitors as well as volunteers from non-governmental organisations who come by to cheer them up. We at FibonBerhad, as a part of caring community, pay regular visits and make donations to the Miriam Home.

Handicapped and Disable Association State of Johore (Kluang) is a charitable organisation for the physically and mentally disabled person of all ages, races and religions in Malaysia. It was established on the 16th July, 2008. The organisation aims at providing a shelter and home for these forgotten citizens of our society, provide them with the daily needs and neccessities, foods, clothings and medical attention. The organisation has a cook, a teacher, a nurse, day caretakers and night caretakers to look after the residents in this home. It depends fully on donations and contributions from governmental and non-governmental organisations for the daily running of the home.

Che Luan Khor Dialysis Centre (CLKDC) is a non-profit charitable organisation located in Kluang in the state of Johor. It was incorporated in Malaysia in August 1998 to provide haemodialysis services to the needy. CLKDC is equipped with the latest medical equipment for haemodialysis treatment and is managed by a group of professional personnel such as medical doctors, registered nurses and experienced technicians and assisted by aproximately 200 volunteers to provide excellent treatments and care for some 75 haemodialysis patients. The centre caters to around 30 patients on daily basis. Fibon makes regular donations with the hope to ease their medical expenses.

Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anan-AnakYatim Damo, Kluangis a non-profit welfare home providing education and a home for orphans and children from single-parent families. It has been operating for more than ten years. The centre is run by Mr. Damo with helps from volunteers. Currently orphans and children from single-parent families of different races and faiths are staying at the center. FibonBerhad makes regular visits and contributions to the centre.

Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anan-AnakYatim Damo, Kluangis a non-profit welfare home providing education and a home for orphans and children from single-parent families. It has been operating for more than ten years. The centre is run by Mr. Damo with helps from volunteers. Currently orphans and children from single-parent families of different races and faiths are staying at the center. FibonBerhad makes regular visits and contributions to the centre.

The Company recognizes the importance of environment in which the business is operated on and have placed their efforts in making it an environmental friendly place to work on.
(i)     Save Energy
Employees are encouraged to switch off non-essential electrical machinery, equipment and appliances when not in use.
(ii)    Save Trees
The company has implemented and practiced recycling paper waste to reduce the usage of paper.
(iii)   Recycle of waste
Waste materials were recycled back to production if they are reusable.